At Northridge

Deck the Halls Party
Sun, December 1 | 11:30am
A Northridge Teens Event
Northridge Teen's usher in the Christmas Season every year with this nostalgic event! This party is filled with Christmas decorating, gift exchanges, games, and more! Lunch is provided.
For more information email our Northridge Teen Leaders

Christmas at Northridge
Sunday, December 15 | 10 am
A very special Sunday Service filled with excitement as we anticipate Christmas Day, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! Invite your family and friends to join in this event filled with Carols, Worship, a Northridge Student performance, and a Christmas Message!
Annual Cookie Exchange and Decorating Party to follow. *See Details Below
Northridge, Worship Center
Christmas Cookie Exchange and Decorating Party!
Sunday, December 15 | 11:30 am
Bring your best cookies and enjoy fellowship, fun, cookie decorating and more! Light sandwiches and snacks are provided and plenty of delicious cookies to go around! This delightful event continues to be joyous every year!
Northridge, Main Building
Sign up Today!

Christmas Eve Service
Tuesday, December 24 | 5 pm
This multi-generational service provides a precious time of togetherness for all ages to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. At Northridge, we are intentional to include creative ways for children and adults to enjoy this special worship service together.
Northridge, Worship Center